New evidence-based tools to reduce health inequities in Europe.

WHO Regional Office for Europe
Fact sheet Copenhagen, 16 June 2014.

Abstract / Resumen:

While health indicators have improved overall in the WHO European Region, this improvement is unevenly distributed within and between the 53 Member States and between population groups within them. As a result, avoidable inequalities are increasing in the Region. For example, the gap in life expectancy between the European countries with the highest and lowest is 17 years for men and 12 years for women. The 2008 economic crisis has exacerbated this trend, but appropriate policy intervention can reverse it.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Commission jointly carried out a project to produce policy guidelines and tools for addressing health inequalities. Its results provide policy-makers with evidence on how policies affect socially determined health inequities and guidance on what actions can be taken to improve health equity. The project has produced several tools for use in pursuing the two priority goals of the European policy framework, Health 2020: reducing health inequities and improving governance for health. They comprise interactive online atlases and a series of policy briefs.

Keywords / Palabras clave: health inequalities, Health System

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