English: Social geography of AIDS in Brazil: identifying patterns of regional inequalities

Tatiana Rodrigues de Araujo Teixeira , Renata Gracie , Monica Siqueira Malta , Francisco I. Bastos
Cad. Saúde Pública
vol.30 n.2 Rio de Janeiro Feb. 2014

Abstract / Resumen:

The trend towards decline and stabilization of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil should be analyzed carefully, since aggregate data can mask regional or local inequalities in such a large and diverse country. The current study reevaluates the epidemic’s spatial dissemination and the AIDS-related mortality pattern in Brazil. The study considered all AIDS cases diagnosed in individuals over 18 years of age and living in Brazil, as well as AIDS deaths recorded in 1998-2008. Three-year moving average rates were estimated, and a spatial analysis was conducted using a local empirical Bayesian method. The epidemic was only found to be expanding in the North and Northeast regions, while declining in the rest of the country, especially in the Southeast. According to the findings, the apparent stabilization of AIDS mortality tends to mask regional disparities. Social determinants of health and regional disparities should be taken into account in program development and policymaking

Keywords / Palabras clave: Social Determinants of Health; Inequalities; Health Systems

How to obtain this article / Como obtener el artículo: http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2014000200259&lang=pt


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