The social determinants of health. Inequalities and exclusion in XXIst century societies

Authors: Pedro A. Palomino Moral, María Luisa Grande Gascón, Manuel Linares Abad
Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS).
Vol. 72, extra 1, 71-91, junio 2014

The health concept has undergone a process of constant revision. From the mid-twentieth century it has taken place a shift from the search for the causes of the disease focused on the individual to the emergence of health social determinants that are the main modulators of the health and disease processes. Today we know that health and quality of life are a social result directly related to the conditions of people´s life and way of life. In this sense it has been made significant efforts to understand how they interact with the social determinants and how health outcomes occur. We analyzed the contributions that have succeeded in highlighting the main factors of social inequalities including an analysis of inequalities in women’s health, vulnerability and risk of exclusion.

Keywords/Palabras claves: Health; Health promotion; Inequality of Health; Social determinants; Social exclusion.

For additional information or contributions please contact Mrs. Eliane P. Santos, Advisor, Library and Information Networks, Knowledge Management, Bioethics and Research (KBR)

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