Health and Disability: Partnerships in Health care

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Jane Tracy, Rachael McDonald
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Jan 2015, 28, 22–32
Article first published online: 22 DEC 2014
DOI: 10.1111/jar.12135

Abstract / Resumen:

Background: Despite awareness of the health inequalities experienced by people with intellectual disability, their health status remains poor. Inequalities in health outcomes are manifest in higher morbidity and rates of premature death. Contributing factors include the barriers encountered in accessing and receiving highquality health care.

Aims: This paper outlines health inequalities experienced by people with intellectual disability and focuses on the opportunities medical education provides to address these. Strategies to ensure that health professional education is inclusive of and relevant to people with disabilities are highlighted.

Conclusions: The barriers experienced by people with intellectual disabilities to the receipt of high-quality health care include the attitudes, knowledge and skills of doctors. Improving medical education to ensure doctors are better equipped is one strategy to address these barriers. Improving health enhances quality of life, enables engagement and optimizes opportunities to participate in and contribute to the social and economic life of communities.

Keywords / Palabras-clave:

Health care, health professional education, healthcare team, intellectual disability health, intellectual disability, medical education, multidisciplinary team, health inequalities, Australia.

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