Health Equity and the post-2015 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

[PAHO/WHO Equity list & Knowledge network]

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Health Equity and the post-2015 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

When: Monday, June 15th (8:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST) and Tuesday, June 16th (9:00 a.m. – 12:30 EST) – Time zone converter

How to participate virtually:

Webcast links for Monday: English Webcast | Webcast Español

Webcast links for Tuesday: English Webcast | Webcast Español


Website: click here


BackgroundInformación general:

An ever-increasing attention to embrace health equity concerns into the ongoing discussions on the post-2015 global health agenda within the framework of the sustainable development goals is gaining momentum. At the same time, there is an equally growing demand from Member States and other stakeholders for developing and strengthening institutional capacities to effectively and systematically monitor health inequality in the path toward universal and equitable health systems. A propitious time is converging toward mid-June this year when a unique set of original and much needed resources on health equity that have being under development and testing by WHO, PAHO, and partners around the world reach their completion phase and become ready for deployment and widespread use. Foremost among them is the State of Inequality Report, first complete WHO report in its genre, showcasing best practices in reporting the state of inequality in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health in low- and middle-income countries using high-quality data, sound and transparent analysis methods, intuitive interactive visualization technology, and user-oriented comprehensive reporting. This is a unique opportunity for PAHO, the Promised Renewed for the Americas, and our partners in health equity to host a high-level event to launch, worldwide, this distinctive collection of brand-new tools and resources engineered to foster measurement and accountability in the sustained action for health equity, universality, and social inclusion.


Schedule / Programación:

15 June 2015 :

  • WHO Global Launch of the Report: State of Inequality: Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health
  • Health Equity Tools and Resources Collection


16 June 2015:

  • PAHO Symposium on Health Equity in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda in the Americas

Provisional AgendaAgenda provisoria: click here

Tags: Equity in Health; Global Health; Low- and middle-income countries; Knowledge Sharing; Latin America; Caribbean Region

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