Call for papers: Gender and health inequalities – intersections with other relevant axes of oppression

Vives-Cases, Carmen et al.

Glob Health Action 2015, 8: 30292
Published: 30 November 2015

Deadline for submission:  August 2016


OverviewInformación General:

The current call for papers entitled ‘Gender and health inequalities: intersections with other relevant axes of oppression’ aims to generate knowledge about how gender inequalities in health/disease/mortality/and access to health care systems interact with other important axes of oppression (race/ethnicity, social class, religion, and/or migratory status, among others) through different levels of power (from the global to the local) at different lifetime stages for a population. It also aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between gender (in)equalities and health (inequalities).

We welcome different types of contributions: empirical research, theoretical papers, methodological papers, and reviews. Studies aiming to contribute to developing gender and social theories building on intersectional, ecosocial, relational, or biosocial approaches are welcome. Also of interest are methodological papers using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, and are particularly studies that explore means of better addressing the complexity of analyzing health inequalities according to this multidimensional or multiple approach.

Papers about the effects of gender, ethnicity, ageing, migration status, and other relevant social determinants in the distribution of prevalent, emergent, or neglected disease are of interest in the context of this new special issue as well as those that analyze the interaction of different axes of oppression with other intermediate social determinants related to work conditions, access to health care systems, climate change, social capital, or other determinants. We also welcome papers that address not only issues of dominance and/or suffering but also those about resistance, agency, resilience, and/or empowerment. We encourage submissions from researchers working in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.

Read the full Information of this call for papersTexto completo de la convocatória: click here.


KeywordsPalabras clave:

Gender; Health Inequalities; Research in Health; Ethnicity, Ageing, Migration Status; Social Determinants; Global Health


Instructions – submit a Manuscript / Instrucciones – sumisión de manuscritos: click here

Please submit your work using the online submission system, and under the Journal section, select ‘Special issues: Gender and health inequalities: intersections with other relevant axes of oppression’. This call will be open until the end of August 2016, and manuscripts will be published as soon as they are accepted.


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