Moving toward the universal health coverage: A strategy to expedite health equity

Saurabh R Shrivastava, Prateek S Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Journal of Medical Society, 2016, 30 (1): 70-71
Published online: 5 February 2016

Abstract / Resumen:

Among the multiple goals set in the field of health for the nations and the general population, ensuring universal health coverage (UHC) is of extreme priority. Globally, it has been anticipated, that by achieving UHC, it will not only help to negate social inequity, but even aid the stakeholders in their mission to ensure sustainable development and minimize poverty, especially in middle- and low-income nations. The findings of a recently released report have suggested that close to 400 million people were devoid of one of the essential health services, and hence there is an indispensable need to expand the reach of health services. In conclusion, the scope of UHC is much more than just health, set with a primary objective of extending quality assured essential health services in order to improve the health standards of the beneficiaries, without compromising the financial status of the family. Thus, by moving toward UHC, it will help nations to achieve equity and social inclusion.

Keywords / Palabras clave: Universal Health Coverage, Equity in Health, Out-of-pocket Expenditure

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