Zuzana Horváthová, Josef Abrhám
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences – MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, April 2015, 6(2 S5)
Published online: April 2015
Abstract / Resumen:
Widely used terms such as the European social model and the European social policy are not entirely accurate. Social policy belongs among the areas where the competence is shared between the Union and the Member States. Thus the European social model can be defined more as common values and social foundations, which are typical for the European area. Among the Member States are therefore substantial differences in terms of the set-up and functioning of social, health and pension systems. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the treatment of health insurance and selected aspects of health systems in selected EU countries (Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany and the Slovak Republic), and on the basis of mutual comparison to draw up recommendations for the implementation of social policy instruments at the national level and also to explain examples of good practice. The solution-seeking methodology is based on literature research, analysis of legislation in different countries and analyses of empirical statistical data from the social systems.
Keywords / Palabras clave: Social Policy, Welfare State, Health Insurance, States of the European Union
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