Tag Archives: Health Equity

Cuatro cuestiones axiológicas de la epidemiología social para el monitoreo de la desigualdad en salud

Rev Panam Salud Publica;38(6),dic. 2015 Published online: 2016 Resumen: A medida que las agendas contemporáneas más relevantes de la salud pública mundial y regional se van alineando en sus componentes conceptuales y emerge más explícitamente el rol medular de la equidad como su principio constitutivo, va creciendo también el reconocimiento del valor estratégico del monitoreo […]

Moving forward monitoring of the social determinants of health in a country: lessons from England 5 years after the Marmot Review

Global Health Action, vol 9 (2016)
Published online: 25 February 2016

Advancing health equity to improve health: The time is now

CCDR: Volume 42S-1, Feb, 2016: Social Determinants of Health
Published online: 18 February 2016

Prioritizing action on health inequities in cities: An evaluation of Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) in 15 cities from Asia and Africa

Social Science & Medicine, Volume 145, November 2015, Pages 237–242

Review Bringing stakeholders together for urban health equity: hallmarks of a compromised process

International Journal for Equity in Health, December 2015 14:38
First published online: 20 November 2015

Understanding the Role of Public Administration in Implementing Action on the Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequities

Int J Health Policy Manag, December 2015, 4(12), 795–798